I'm thrilled and very excited to let you know that there is now a new sanctuary here in Sydney, in our local Surry Hills for sewing enthusiasts and followers and lovers of fabric, buttons ,vintage patterns, ribbons and braids. Where you can take sewing, knitting, patternmaking, fabric dying, beading, embroidery, fashion photography and computer design classes ( and more), called The Sewing Room.
Join one of The Sewing Room's classes guided by experienced highly qualified instructors. They specialise in one-off sessions or short courses held on weekdays, evenings and weekends. The Sewing Room has sewing classes catering to all levels from the complete novice to the expert. Class sizes are small so everyone can benefit from personal attention.
There is even a sewing class specially designed for guys who want to learn to sew on a button or to alter their jeans. There are more advanced classes for people who want to create a tailored jacket and learn how to sew difficult evening wear fabrics.
You can come to a class to develop your fashion design skills, make your own patterns with an introduction to pattern making classes or simply learn how to alter a pattern to fit you.

Anyone interested in the patternmaking classes - here are the details below:
Patternmaking Classes
Introduction to Patternmaking I
8 x 3 hour session
Starting Tuesday 16 February 2010 10am- 1pm
Patternmaking for skirts
3 x 3 hour session
Starting Saturday 27 March 2010 10am - 3.30pm

Level 1, 8 Hill Street, Surry Hills Sydney
02 93600585
The Sewing Room is located within The Fashion and Textile Gallery - a new centre open to the general public and, or anyone interested in fashion history - here you can check out monthly events and upcoming exhibitions.
Contact The Sewing Room to find out dates and times for courses you are interested in and to book.Labels: Sewing Classes