I bet some of you may have totally overlooked this tunic dress pattern in the McCalls catalogues? Yep, I sure did!
Pretty sure Georgia's version will make you take another look! View B in McCalls 6080 was used to make up Liberty Cotton Tana Lawn - Bourton Pink (still available in Chatswood).
Alterations Georgia made to this pattern:
- shortened the sleeves by 10cm.
- instead of tucks at the back, gathers were made instead.
- added 10cm to the length of skirt and a wide double hem was created, this adds a nice weight to the skirt.
- 1.5 inch wide ties( approx 96cm long) were added to the side seams. The ties add a great look to the tunic by pulling back some of the fullness slightly or for something different ...
- Georgia added a threaded loop just below the slit opening, so that the ties can be threaded through the front to give another look altogether!
Makes you wonder doesn't it, what you can be achieved when you take another good look through those pattern catalogues and tweek a little? Or better still, join in Georgia's Sew Inn classes and she'll teach you how!

Labels: Cotton, Dresses, Liberty Of London, McCalls, Pattern Reviews, Tessuti