There is something about spring/summer fabrics that makes me a little giddy. Not giddy in an off-balance, middle-ear-infection kinda way. Think more over-excited kid bursting with joy on Christmas morning. It's the colours, the prints, the lightness, the choices (oh, the
choices) and the promise of some warmth and light at the end of that dark winter-y tunnel. And so while we may only be
just past the halfway point of our winter here in Australia, we are feeling pretty damn excited about the very first spring fabric releases that we've just received in store and online.
First up are these classic beauties -
enzyme washed, check linens.
Pia? I've got big weekend sewing plans for
Heart on Sleeve. And if you're seeking some sartorial inspiration, there's some check love happening on our Pinterest board
over here too.
Also delivered are
these new Italian lovelies pictured below. All 100% silk (crepe de chine) and all washed finish. Absolutely perfect for a fresh spring
Tokyo Jacket or
Gabby Dress.