Sunday, February 8, 2015

My Esther Shorts

Those Melbournians amongst us will know what I'm talking about when I tell you that our summer recently went AWOL. It was a little bit of a lonely and chilly time for us sun-loving folk but - HAPPY DAYS - she's making up for lost time and that forecast is just peachy now.

In anticipation of warmer days, I finally got around to making myself a pair of Esther Shorts in a linen that I found completely irresistible - Hartford Rouge. It really is the most perfect shade of pink. All dusty and rosy and yum.

Welcome back summer x


  1. I think Esther shorts would have to come up as one of my all time favourite patterns. I can't even count how many times I've used that pattern now, but I haven't made them in linen yet. Yours are delicious.

    1. Thanks! Yes - your variations are all AWESOME. Should've called them the Debbies...

  2. Super cute! Love them with the polka dots. Kelly

  3. Oh, hullo awesomeness! These are the perfect shade of pink (coming from a lady who has sewn with waaaaaaaay too much pink!) I love them with the polka dots! And huzzah for summer finally returning- it's been icy in Canberra as well!

  4. Cute shorts and great summer outfit! I love the shirt too - did you make that also?

    1. Thanks Belinda. Nope didn't make the shirt. This one's from Trenery
